Nothing is better than the combination of sweet and salty. Especially when the salty involves prosciutto. We have a delicious recipe for dates filled with gorgonzola and wrapped in prosciutto! This recipe is an easy appetizer cheap China Jerseys or snack to make for any gathering and with holidays coming up it’s perfect as a last minute appetizer. The combination of the sweet dates with our creamy gorgonzola and the salty, crisp prosciutto will sure oakley outlet be a hit that all your guests will talking about!
1 pound dates
4 ounces Il Villaggio Gorgonzola
1/2 pound prosciutto
Slice a slit in the dates and remove pit. Take some of the gorgonzola and stuff inside dates. Rip or cut slices of the prosciutto and wrap the stuffed dates. Secure each date with a toothpick to keep it together and for easy eating for your guests. Bake dates in a 350 degree oven for 8 minutes. Serve immediately. The dates can also be served without baking; they are just as delicious! If you want to serve with some kind of sauce or dressing, we recommend drizzling the dates with balsamic and olive oil.

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