Beer Pairing with Creamy Blue Cheese

February 25th 2016

Gorgonzola+Stout Beer
There are many different varieties of blue cheese which vary in flavor. Like our Gorgonzola Picante and Dolce. The Picante is sharp and salty while the Dolce is sweet and mild.

Despite the difference in flavor, blue cheeses pair well with Stouts and strong flavored beers. A stout is rich and smooth yet robust. It is bitter, yet balanced. The body and flavor stands up to the strong scents of the blue cheese, yet doesn’t wipe out its flavours.The higher alcohol content also helps to cut through the richness and texture of the cheese.

Gorgonzola and other blue cheeses also pair well with IPAs. The hoppy bitterness of the IPA pairs well with the texture and pungency of the gorgonzola.